Darlington Theatre Players Inc. (DTP) was established to encourage participation in all aspects of theatrical arts. Formalised from an existing group in the artistic hills of Darlington east of Perth, Western Australia in 1956, early performances were in the local hall, formerly a wine cellar. Following representations from DTP, the local shire built the main hall next to the existing hall in 1960, and later rebuilt the stage house and added the verandah and toilet block to the structure in 1978.
Competing pressure from other hall users forced DTP to look for other premises, and in 1984 they took up a lease on the disused old Greenmount Primary School in Marloo Road. After several building projects financed from their own resources, and from Federal, State and Local Government grants, DTP have one of the best equipped local theatres, the Marloo Theatre (Marloo), in the Perth area.
Every year DTP put on 4 or 5 main season as well as 3 or 4 other events at Marloo, encompassing classical dramas, comedies, musicals and pantomimes. These can often fill the 11 metre wide, 6 metre deep and 4 metre high main stage, with 4 metre deep back stage area.
DTP is committed to encouraging new member involvement both on & off stage.

It'll Be Right On The Night
Copies of “It’ll Be Right On The Night”, being a story of the first 50 years of the Darlington Theatre Players, are still available. This eagerly anticipated book is on sale for $10 each, which is a steal for nearly 200 pages of quality information about our theatre and company and 20 pages of colour photos.
The editorial committee of Michael Hart, Rae Willis, George Grayston, Ray Foster and Jan Hole are grateful for publication assistance from Douglas Sutherland-Bruce.
For copies please contact Michael Hart, ph: 0409 087 042 or email marloomike@westnet.com.au